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The formal resolution for the Town of Randall requesting permission to exceed the state revenue limit will appear as follows on the August 13 ballot:

“Under state law, the increase in the levy of the Town of Randall for the tax to be imposed for the next fiscal year, 2025, is limited to 0.856%, which results in a levy of $464,668. Shall the Town of Randall be allowed to exceed this limit and increase the levy for the next fiscal year, 2025, for essential Emergency Medical Services by a total of 32.281%? This will result in a levy of $614,668, and include the increase of $150,000 for fiscal years 2025-2029?”

The formal resolution for the Town of Wheatland requesting permission to exceed the state revenue limit will appear as follows on the August 13 ballot:

“Under the state law, the increase in the levy of the Town of Wheatland for the tax to be imposed for the next fiscal year 2025, is limited to .155%, which results in a levy of $685,587. Shall the Town of Wheatland be allowed to exceed this limit and increase the levy for the next fiscal year 2025, for the purpose of essential Emergency Medical Services, by a total of 21.870%, which results in a levy of $835,857, and includes the increase of $150,000 for the fiscal years 2025 through 2029?"

The State of Wisconsin limits the amount of property taxes a municipality can collect each year. In order to exceed the levy limit, the municipality needs voter approval through a town-wide referendum.

If the referendum is approved, Randall taxpayers will see an estimated property tax increase of $22.77 annually per $100,000 of assessed value, starting with bills issued in December 2024. Wheatland taxpayers will see an estimated property tax increase of $23.00 annually per $100,000 of assessed value, starting with bills issued in December 2024. The increase for both Randall and Wheatland is approximately 44¢ per week per $100,000 of assessed value.

The increases in shared revenue helped fund the 2024 budget, and will be used to continue to fund those services. The proposed resolution will cover the increased cost of services beginning in 2025.

We are always looking for alternate funding sources whenever possible such as grants. These types of funding sources, however, are temporary and not a sustainable source for long-term needs.

When the Towns were faced with the increased cost of EMS services, we did our due diligence looking at many other municipalities to learn what alternatives were available for the Towns. The obligation is to find the best service option for the over 6200 residents that reside in Randall and Wheatland. After months and months of research, the list of providers was narrowed to three options:

1.  Joint district services for 4 or 5 western Kenosha County municipalities - this service would need to be created and is currently under discussion. It would be an intergovernmental agreement and may include the municipalities of Randall, Wheatland, Paddock Lake, Salem Lakes, and Twin Lakes. Other municipalities may be included as this develops. The cost might be higher than options 2 and 3 below but could have long term benefits for the participating communities;

Alternatively, services from one of two privately held companies —

2.  Twin Lakes Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad Incorporated at $225,000 per year with 4% annual increases;

3.  Ambulnz of DocGo Inc at $215,000 per year with 3.5% annual increases.

The Towns are looking for a provider that offers:
  • 24 hour service
  • Paramedic level service
  • Dedicated ambulances to be located throughout the region.
A final decision on the provider has not yet been made. All options are being seriously considered.

Frequently asked questions from our residents

No. That is misinformation that has been spread across the communities. Randall and Wheatland began looking at other companies to see if there were other options that provided the EMS services our residents deserve. Twin Lakes was not guaranteeing 24 hour service in the contract provided. They also are not guaranteeing a paramedic with each ambulance at this time. This may be their goal but is not in the contract provided.

Ambulnz by DocGo guarantees 24 hour service. They will also provide a dedicated ambulance and paramedic for Randall and a dedicated ambulance and paramedic for Wheatland as provided in their contract.

Joint services is the other possible solution being considered. This idea has been talked about for many years. This would provide the region with local services already in place and expanded upon throughout the region in an intergovernmental agreement. The expansion would include hiring more paramedics with a cost sharing plan and would utilize our local first responders currently serving the communities.

EMT or EMT-B (Emergency Medical Technician - Basic)

  • Role: Provides basic medical care, patient assessment and transportation.
  • Skills: Basic life support, control bleeding, medication administration, advanced airway management, provide oxygen, treat shock, CPR and AED usage, treat specific medical emergencies
  • Training: 120-150 hours, classroom, hands-on, clinical hours and in ambulance
  • Certification: Pass a certification exam

AEMT (Advanced Emergency Medical Technician)

  • Role: Provides advanced life support..
  • Skills: All EMT-B skills, advanced airway management, IV therapy, administer additional medications
  • Training: 200-300 hours, additional clinical hours in hospital and ambulance
  • Certification: Pass a certification exam

EMT-P (Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic)

  • Role: Highest level of EMS provider, advanced medical care and invasive procedures
  • Skills: All AEMT skills, advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), advanced pediatric life support (PALS), critical care transport, chest tube insertion and intubation
  • Training: 1000-1500 hours (two-year program), extensive classroom, hands-on, and clinical experience
  • Certification: Pass a certification exam

The final decision has not yet been made regarding which service provider to choose. All possible solutions are being carefully considered. The Towns of Randall and Wheatland appreciate the interest and concern surrounding this topic. Rest assured that your community leaders are working to find the best possible solution for the entire community.

For your specific voting time and place, visit